Saturday, September 19, 2009

Im a Vampire Junkie...and I LIKE IT!

The initial need to scratch the itch is long gone. I've thrown the in the towel, I’m giving up in defeat...I’m a Vampire Junkie..and hell yeah..I like it!

I’m in way over my head with this 'htd' (hysterical twilight disorder).
It’s expanded to encompass all things vampire. Not only have I made my way through two seasons of True Blood, wincing painfully at the southern drawl and the shameless comparisons to our favourite Edward & Bella – but – wait for it - I have actually started to like Sookie…..gah!

I know, I know, how can this be? Am I drunk?......not yet... Am I tired from reading too much twi fanfic?......fuck yeah! However I’m pretty sure that my affection grew when Sookie started to have hawt dreams about Eric.........

Whatever, it happened. Now I’ve fessed up and am actually feeling better for it. By the last ep’ I was so relieved that no one actually laid that massive egg but now I’m more relieved that the season is over. Phew! It was violating my senses....but strangely I likeD IT! Some 'normal' people may say...why do you watch it? Well, I simply have NO CONTROL over anything vaugely vampire! It's a disorder! And I LIKE IT!

As I said I’m in way over my head with this shit... ('husband rolls eye's in background') Yeah yeah, husband, just you wait. I've gasped for air through uncontrollable laughter after seeing what those legend Twitards did with their “Robert Pattinson Photo Shoot” and it's only a matter of time before Maitwi & I make our own vid...he he he.

I know I’m ranting… but this is therapeutic.

Which brings me to the Vampire Diaries. Dear Diary, please find someone in the universe who can slap me out of my 'htd' so that I can wait patiently for the release of New Moon. Dear Diary, send me Stephens brother cause he is acutally smoking hawt........

I’ve come to realise that it’s the shameless comparisons to Twilight that are very exciting! The mention of an 'Animal attack' sent me into a giggling frenzy and a phone call to Maitwi...he he he... I have it bad.

Even their Eddie, aka Stephen character, with the penetrating stare that makes him look like he is going to loose his balance and face plant their Bella aka Elena (b.t.w. Bella rocks skinny jeans and YOU can’t beat that shit), the eyebrow furrows, the Wuthering Heights... shameless...but I like it!

I like it because I’M A VAMPIRE JUNKIE...but most of all I’m a Twilight fan with “htd” and I LOVE IT!

Friday, September 18, 2009

hysterical twilight disorder

man. I've just been grumping around the kitchen, fuming about the impact of ebitwit's above disorder (let us call it 'htd') on my beauty sleep (dawn fucking phone call anyone?); then I realised; dang; my own htd has robbed ( apt) me of A LOT of beauty sleep these past weeks.

Sure, htd has caused me to do more laughing out loud in the direction of my computer in a few short months than in all the computer time that has gone before (just to help me cling to some semblance of normality, other things do still make me laugh - like the second chapter of this - man, so funny. phew). But in addition to the laughter, and some weird 'oh. this is what the internet is really for' realisations, there has also been much sleep swapped for addicted and, let's face it, somewhat flustered reading of twilight, followed more recently by MANY late night hours spent gobbling premium fanfiction like a Augustus Gloop in the chocolate factory (the character, not the band - or is veruca salt the band?).

And surfing cooliris. And news sites. And youtube (got lost in the robsten conspiracy section the other night - how do they do those though bubbles and arrows??). And of course, many hours dedicated to finding my tribe in the twi-bloggosphere and laughing my arse off.

So, how can I expect the concentration into a blog of ebitwit and my MANY thoughts and feelings on all things twilight and robward and kstew to dull the edge to our htd? (head shake) such foolishness. As taycob says, things have just been taken up a whole other notch.

Back to obsessing about widgets.

Kstew is a cool chick...phew!

I have spent a lot of time pondering Kstew's level of coolness.. a. lot.
I have done my research regarding her acting skills... the cake eaters, into the wild, what just happenend and adventureland. Could'nt do Panic Room, I don't do scary...although after True Blood, anything is possible. Kstew's performances have cemented me as a true fan. I personally look forward to what she delivers post Twilight Saga. However there has been some underlying trust issues (Im sure coming from my constant analysis of all things Robsten, are they, aren't they?) ..... these feelings were making me feel uneasy... eating away.... slowly breaking me down...until Sandra Bullock finally confirmed it for me! Kstew is a cool chick! Woot Woot! Thanks Sandra, I can sleep now xx

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What to wear.. to see New Moon! Im so fucked!!

Maitwi linked me to her heart of the week fashion website and as I was browsing I found a pair of jeans that .... bing! I should wear those to New Moon... so Rosalie...I know..right? Geezus!

That is when I realised that these characters have not only taken over most of my brain, but my wardrobe too and then there is the fact that at this point there is no way possible that they would make these jeans in my size let alone what they would look like if I could get them on. So now Im suffering from body image dysmorphia! You know, where I actually start thinking like you would think they would be thinking.....So fucking fucked up! But I did stop myself from buying black nail polish and the Twilight makeup shit seriously offends there is some hope...perhaps.